Hi 👋🏽, I am Stella Inabo, a content strategist and writer.

Stella Inabo facing the camera smiling with a laptop

*Actually, I’m a website, but what’s the difference these days? 😀

Stella Inabo Sitting on a bench and smiling at the camera

what I do

I build effective content strategies and write actionable long-form content for B2B SaaS companies.

I am here to help you get your audience’s attention and build their trust. And to make your content marketing strategic and successful. I am passionate about improving how we work and helping people find the ever “elusive” work-life balance.

I am currently traveling around Africa while working remotely for Float. I write about content marketing and remote work. I retweet a lot of stuff— mostly content marketing threads, news about remote work, and the occasional llama picture. In my portfolio, you’ll find a display of really neat examples of my writing chops. Check out my work and send me an email.

work with me

Ranking high on Google and increased traffic is great and all. But effective content marketing is more than driving traffic to your site, it is about engaging your audience and turning them into customers.

So how do you nudge those readers through the marketing funnel and get them to sign up?
That’s where I come in 👍🏽

“I help B2B SaaS companies build trust with their audience and convert readers into buyers by creating holistic content strategies and writing targeted long-form content.

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what I offer

Depending on your needs, one or all of the services below might be just right for your business:

Content Strategy

Content calendars =/= content strategies. I’ll build out an entire game plan to win with content based on your industry, your customers, and your goals. This will include:

  • Identifying your audience
  • Building a topic strategy
  • Aligning content to the buyer’s journey
  • Creating briefs
  • Measuring performance

Content Creation

Your customers can spot plagiarised and bland posts from a mile away. I can help you create unique long-form content (blog posts, white papers, case studies, ebooks, and guides) that:

  • Captures your audience’s attention by speaking to their pain points
  • Shows how your product solves the problem
  • Contains helpful, original, and actionable insights from SMEs
  • Nudges them to push that “Sign Up” button

Content Refreshes

When your money maker pages start to tank, it’s time for a refresh. I can help you:

  • Restructure and realign SEO pieces to match with search intent
  • Update stats and information

what I offer

Don’t waste one more second producing ineffective content. Instead, let’s make your marketing content effective by leading customers all the way through the funnel. Get in touch right away.